VI design
VI design passes translates for the visual recognition design,VI design is in the CIS system most has the dissemination strength andthe infection Strength stratification plane. The enterprise image visiondistinguishes the -VI design, is transforms the CInon- visiblecontent as The visual recognition mark, carries on the dissemination. VIdesign is portrays the enterprise image the fast convenient way. more
The logo design
The symbol design is the enterprise cohesive force core, thedesign company passes to enterprise's market, the idea, The cultural conformity, plans designs most suits theenterprise or the brand visual image. The symbol design not merely isthe graph or the writing combination, symbolized the design rests onbusiness Industry the profession category, the standard visual markwhich formulates for the enterprise. more
Plane design
The plane design is one kind describes an enterprise or theproduct process with the fine arts method. Extremely has estabished Italy's design may create a richer stratification plane for thebrand individuality. In creates has the artistry, has Contains, has the actual effect the design work, the displaypropaganda characteristic. enterprise annual report picture album design andso on.more
Product packing design
The packing is the product individuality direct and the maintransmission is the product individuality is most sensitive and themost tremendous effect factor. The good packing design is theenterprise creates one of profit important methods. Mainly includes: Food packing design, drink packing
design and so on. more
Web design
A specialized website construction under the reasonable websiteplan design premise, the website design already has the strategiccontent, also contains the tactic content, the website design shouldstand in The network marketing strategy highly considered that, thetactic is serves for the strategy. more
Display design
The display design request carries on the design according tothe function, fully unfolds the enterprise the product, the culture,the idea, creates the maximum spatial use factor; The POP designmentioned adjusts the scene atmosphere the effect, strengthensconsumer's purchase desire. more
Picture album design
The books and periodicals title page design, the picture albumdesign mainly manifests the books and periodicals the content, namelythe ideological nature, simultaneously manifests the artistry.
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Newspaper broad design
Newspaper, this is the propaganda medium which everybody isfamiliar with. But designs the novel advertisement inevitably to beable to cause the reader to pay attention.
Tea packing design
The tea packing is the tea in the purchase, sales, in thememory current distribution realm guarantees the quality the key.
Achieves the promotion sale the goal
,plays the silent salesclerk's role.
more |
UI design
The UI designrefers to the software man-machine alternately, the contact surfaceartistic design. more |
Flash design
We are engaged in to the website flash design,
the flashanimation design
flash according to turn the design. more
Network promotion
The website promotion goal lies in lets many potential usersunderstand and visit the website as far as possible. more
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Beijing ICP prepares 05015781 million
Design consultation
:86-010-87596040 52882752 网站设计 网站建设 网站开发 网页制作
24 年专业设计公司质量保证 qq:1016655160 qq:1098188969 qq 873124758
The Beijing prosperous times abundant article designs male. The department is born years of to the thousand auspiciousness,we concentrates to the brand image visual ditch Passes, take "is bigger as the customer creation Value "for goal potency to design. The enterprise, equips the outstanding person team, specially Industry is
engaged in the enterprise image design, VI The design, the symbol design, the package install idea,
picture album design,annual report, sea Newspaper handbill poster notice design,websiteconstruction. The display demonstrates
the design company,in
person Savors today which unceasingly promotes, Believed develops day by
day along with us and The consummation,certainly can
by the brand-new posture Condition, the unique
design charm, is honest
Solid professional moral character and you hand in handaltogether Enters, promotes your brand effeection!
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No.1 Courtyard, Tianxing Street, Fangshan District
Tel:010-87596040 010-52882752
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