

Any is the handbill poster notice design
Explained "the handbill poster notice" was any, that "the handbillposter notice" the design goes without saying.

"The handbill poster notice" explained according to its meaningthat, "the move" directs the attention, "pastes" is posts, namely "forattracts the attention to carry on posts". The handbill poster noticeEnglish name is called "poster", Italy refers to the demonstration inthe Oxford English dictionary to the public place bulletin (Placarddisplayed in a public place). In London "the international textbookpublication company" in the publication advertisement dictionary, theposter Italy refers posts on the cardboard, the wall, the big plank orthe vehicles printing advertisement, or by other way demonstrationsprinting advertisements, it is the outdoors advertisement main form,one of advertisement most ancient forms.

Also has the genitals splits according to the poster stem structureand the historical records releases the handbill poster notice theword meaning, thought poster is diverts from "post" comes, "post" theword meaning is a pillar, therefore poster is refers all posts on thepillar the bulletin.

The handbill poster notice in domestic also has a name to becalled "the playbill", a Chinese dictionary a word has not done to"the playbill" specially had explained, but has the foreigneraccording to the fable our country Qing Dynasty time to the sea boatto carry the imported goods to anchor to our country coast wharf, andposts poster to the wharf each is along the street striking place,promotes sales its cargo, the coastal resident called this kind ofposter is a playbill. Develops according to this, later every will bethe similar playbill goal and other has the transmission news functionto post the thing all to call it "the playbill".

In overseas, the handbill poster notice size has the standardsize. According to the British system standard, in the handbill posternotice the most basic one kind of size is 30 inches ×20 inches(508×762mm), is equal domestically to opens the paper size, accordingto this primary standard size, also develops other standard sizes: 30inch ×40 inch, 60 inch ×40 inch, 60 inch ×120 inch, 10 inch ×6.8inch and 10 inch ×20 inches. The great size is pastes by multi- ZhangZhipin becomes, for example the biggest standard size 10 feet ×20feet are, is equal to our country 24 which spells by 48 30 inch ×20inch papers pastes becomes all opens the paper size. Speciallyattracts the handbill poster notice which the pedestrian lookedgenerally to paste in the business district bus waiting pavilion andthe highway region, and as are many take 60 inches ×40 inch sizeshandbill poster notices. But is located in the public information walland the advertizing info place handbill poster notice (for example onLondon subway station wall) as are many take 30 inches ×20 inchhandbill poster notices and 30 inches ×40 inch handbill posternotices.

The American most commonly used handbill poster notice size hasfour kinds: What 1 (508mm×762mm), 3, 24 and 30, is most commonly usedis 24, is the huge pictorial poster, generally pastes in the sidewalk person must pass through it place and the vending place.

The handbill poster notice are most is with makes lithograph platesthe printing way to make, for posts inside and outside the publicplace and the store. Certainly, also has some stemming from thetemporary goal handbill poster notice, does not use printing, only tohandpainted completes, this kind of handbill poster notice is the POPnature, like the commodity temporarily reduces prices the preferentialbenefit, the notice sell exhibition, the trade fair, the fashionclothing show or food tastes the meeting the time, the place and soon. This kind of extemporaneously handpainted handbill poster notice,sometimes uses to paste immediately replaces, mostly by thehandpainted fine arts character primarily, sometimes concurrently hasthe illustration, also, it is inferior to print the handbill posternotice composition comparatively at will, quickly to be rigorous. Themerit is: Dissemination information prompt, cost expense low, themanufacture is simple.

The printing handbill poster notice may divide into the publichandbill poster notice and the commercial handbill poster notice twobig kinds, the public handbill poster notice take the social publicwelfare question as a theme, for example the tax payment, theeugenics, the campaign, give blood, the traffic safety, theenvironmental protection, peace, the recreational activity propagandaand so on; The commercial handbill poster notice then take promotessales the commodity, the satisfied consumer needs the content as atheme, specially the market economy appearance and the development,the commercial handbill poster notice more and more is also important,more and more widely is applied.


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