Any is the POP advertisemen
The POP advertisement is one kind of new commercial advertizing formwhich in the common advertisement form foundation develops. Compareswith the common advertisement, its characteristic mainly manifests inthe advertisement demonstration and the exhibition way, the place andthe time three aspects. This point then sees from the POPadvertisement concept.
POP the advertisement POP three letters, are English POINT OF PURCHASEabbreviation forms. POINT is "the spot" meaning. PURCHASE is "thepurchase" meaning, POINT OF PURCHASE namely "purchase spot". Here "thespot", has the dual meaning, in the immediate concept spot -- has thedual meaning, in immediate main point spot, point in time and spatialspot. Therefore, the POP advertisement concrete meaning is in when thepurchase time and purchase and purchases the advertisement which theplace appears. Specifically says, the POP advertisement isadvantageously is having in the time and the effective spatial soundposition, is the propaganda commodity, attracts the customer, guidesthe customer to understand the commodity content or the commercialevent, thus induces the customer to have the participation motive andthe purchase desire commercial advertizing. Abbreviation "purchaseadvertisement".
POP advertisement development
Today, specially regarding is engaged in the design specializedperson to say, the POP advertisement already was not a too new matter.Slightly the large-scale point of commodity, all has the POPadvertisement the existence and the utilization. In our country,comparatively first has and the utilization using the POPadvertisement. In our country, comparatively first sets up theenterprise and product image having using the POP advertisement "thesun god". Sun god company as well as sun god product, also because ithas used the POP advertisement form, in addition product qualityfactor, only then Henry reputation surely family.
If looked from the comparison judgement, our country at present thePOP advertisement development situation, the general inland wasinferior to the coast develops quickly, the coast in this century70's, at the beginning of the 80's already has not started todevelop, until now has achieved the prosperous degree. But the inlandPOP advertisement actually is forming the climate. Certainly, lookedfrom the international big environment, the domestic development or isinferior to overseas, specially Japan and Europe, beautiful someeconomical developed countries. The POP advertisement origins fromthis century 230 ages, only then spreads to our country to 780 ages,at present also is being at the stage in our country which risesspiritedly, but also falls behind some developed countries, this is afact. We only facing the reality, furiously pursue, only then has thepossibility to catch up with or to surpass the advanced country.
The POP advertisement produces reason
As a result of the supermarket appearance, the commodity is direct andthe customer meets, greatly reduced the sales clerk, saved the marketspace, this not only has accelerated the circulation of commoditiesspeed, moreover reduced the commercial cost, promoted the commodityeconomy prosperity. But bumps into the most incisive question, howuses the advertisements propaganda, in the narrow loan frame, thecounter space, glances over in the customer the commodity or isindecisive, appropriately explained the commodity content, thecharacteristic, the merit, materially beneficial, even price, habitat,rank and so on, attracts the customer to regard red, triggers thecustomer interest, and takes on sales clerk's role, causes thecustomer very quickly to experience focuses attention on, understood,the heart movement decides the purchase the shopping psychologyprocess. Under this kind of situation, the POP advertisement this kindof new advertisement form arises at the historic moment, it has becomein the entire commodity sale process "the silent sales clerk".
The POP advertisement function and produces way
Because the POP advertisement has the very high economic value,moreover its ingredient is not high, therefore, it although originsfrom the supermarket, but similarly suits to some non- supermarketsordinary markets, even some small stores and so on all commodity salesplaces. In other words, the POP advertisement regarding any managementform commercial place, all has gathers the customer, the promotioncommodity function. At the same time, also has regarding theenterprise enhances the commodity image and the enterprise vividwell-knownness function.
Just because the POP advertisement has above two aspects the function,therefore the POP advertisement production also inevitably has twocorresponding ways. This said regarding the POP advertisement designerthat, is extremely important.
One of ways, when the POP advertisement merely is uses for to promoteto sell, this way advertisement, are most is by the commodity operatorcompletes. Concrete plot, most times are operate by the market shopemployee or the art designing, therefore generally all rougher, nottoo is fastidious the quality, also is very casual, thus has formed abig kind of so-called handpainted POP form. If everybody the whitesale advertisement which frequently can see in the store and so on.Second way, if when the POP advertisement rises to one kind to theproduct and the enterprise image propaganda, and from this promotessells, the POP advertisement design and the manufacture has become anextremely serious earnest matter, this type advertisement completes byenterprise. Its concrete method may be and the specialized designpersonnel designs by the enterprise advertisement departmentcompletes, or the request specialized advertisement company actscompletes. Therefore, this kind of advertisement quality all quite isgenerally fine, also has to the commodity and enterprise itselfsuitably pointed, also the mass production, and the investment and theproduct sale related all links, carry on wide range, large-scalepromotion. Under we will be going to involve the POP advertisementwhich will produce by the second way primarily. Certainly, the POPadvertisement which carries on by the dealer, also has does after moreserious and fine, specially some by store design long-term use POPadvertisement like display window -like POP, gate style POP and so on,also is took the specialized design personnel should consider scope.Generally requests the high advertisement regarding these, the dealeralso only to have the request advertisement company or to decorate thecorporate design manufacture.
POP advertisement modelling characteristic
Is the advertisement has common advertisement allcharacteristics on the necessity. Looked from the modelling anglethat, similarly includes the advertisement modelling the writing, thegraph and the color three big planes advertisements constructspeople's essential factor. Besides the general plane advertisementmodelling essential factor, as a result of the POP advertisementexhibition special way and the place, embarks from the visual angle,in order to adapt in the market customer's mobile line of sight, thePOP advertisement are many by the three-dimensional way appears ordemonstrated by the three-dimensional way, therefore in planeadvertisement modelling foundation, but also must increase thethree-dimensional modelling the factor. Moreover, POP advertisement therefore sets up the modelling primarily,besides market space factor but, three-dimensional modelling and planemodelling in modelling even nature difference, also is one of itsreasons. Speaks of the three-dimensional modelling and the plane modellingdifference, in view of says to the POP advertisement, thethree-dimensional modelling has the more intense visual effectcompared to the plane modelling, moreover the three-dimensionalmodelling is also richer regarding the advertisement contentexpression level. The POP advertisement besides has superficial theplane essential factor, but also has the three-dimensional modellingthe expression function, but plane imprisonment then only has theplane essential factor the function. Certainly, the three-dimensional modelling certainly cannot replacethe plane essential factor the function. The POP advertisement designmust effectively use the plane essential factor and thethree-dimensional modelling function, can truly achieve the acme ofperfection. The plane advertisement modelling characteristic and its the designmain point, we have made a more exhaustive elaboration in the planeadvertisement design. This chapter POP advertisement design study willput with emphasis on and the three-dimensional modelling relatedcontent. The POP advertisement three-dimensional modelling, looked from theshape choice angle that, may divide the embodiment shape the modellingand the abstract shape modelling two big kinds. The embodiment shapemodelling, may be the product in kind image use, perhaps the productmodel enlargement or reduces, also may be and the product relatedattachment embodiment shape modelling or symbolic, the analogyembodiment shape modelling. But abstract shape modelling, then by theabstract geometry shape, the organic shape, the accidental shape andso on indirectly has the relation with the product content, or relatesfrom the abstract material quality produces with the product contentrelation and so on. From the structure looked when POP advertisement three-dimensionalmodelling and product relations, may divide into receives the thing-like to produce the body modelling and the pure advertisement bodymodelling two kinds. Receives the thing -like three-dimensionalmodelling to divide into the product in three-dimensionally above taketo play a transmission role primarily kind with to rely on the thingprimarily to transmit as a another kind. The pure advertisement bodymodelling does not need to say completely transmits the commodityinformation, plays gathers the role the advertisement body modelling.