Any is the plane picture album design
The modern design has become the humanity to carry on the exchange inthe modern society one essential method, is modern materialcivilization essential part of important contents and the constituent.The plane design is one kind describes an enterprise or the productprocess with the fine arts method. Extremely has the creativity thedesign to be allowed to create a richer stratification plane for thebrand individuality. Besides needs to have the rich imagination andthe deep fine arts foundation of basic skills as a plane designer, butalso must unceasingly renew the science and technology, the psychologyeven the philosophy knowledge. Only has can like this the servicewhich provides for the customer truly arrives, can create has theartistry, has the connotation, has the actual effect the design work,can display its propaganda the characteristic.
Now, some point may firmly be, the design domain is expanding, this isa world which needs to design. Resists the newest statistical data todemonstrate that, China at present had the regular design instituteteaching organization more than 700 institutes, and also middleunceasing increase. Goes to school the population to assume themultiple to grow, this causes this is weary by the teachers strengthand the quality deficient design education to dealing with, lacks theability to do what one would like moreover Chinese itself certainlynot to have the theory aspect foundation, the understanding and thelevel of understanding too bottom creates the design education levelinferior fact to the design, the designer becomes does not have theprinciple to be bent solely on profit nine flows generation. Andindirectly causes the huge eye pollution to our existing space. Askedwho comes for ours visual space to be responsible? !
Now, lets us enter the splendid plane design world
1, plane design rectifying names with classification
Designs a word to originate from English " Design" Includingvery broad design scope and class building: Picture album design,industry, link skill, decoration, demonstration, clothing and so on,but the plane design present name in ordinary indicates very isactually awkward, because between present discipline overlapping GuangGengshen, the traditional definition, for example present calls thelaw "the plane design (graphis design) the visual transmission design,the picture album design... ... Perhaps, this has the very bigrelations with the plane design characteristic, because designs, theplane omnipresent designs omnipresent, explains the study of all withthe plane design which prints related from the scope, says from thefunction "carries on the adjustment to the vision through persononeself to achieve some kind of degree the behavior", called it thevisual transmission, namely carries on the transmission informationand the expression viewpoint with the visual language, but decoratesthe design or the decoration art design is recognized as extremelythe name, has one-sidedness.
Now, in had understood to the plane design scope and in theconnotation situation, we has a look the plane design again theclassification, like vivid system design, picture album design,typeface design, books mounting and design design, good record design,packing design, playbill/handbill poster notice design... ... May saylike this has how many kind to need to have how many kind of design. Moreover, the commercial design and the artistic design very obviouslyis the existence.
2, plane design concept
The design has the goal planning, the plane design is one of formswhich these plans is going to adopt, you needs to use the visualelement in the plane design to disseminate your tentative plan withthe plan, transmits with the writing and the graph the information forthe audiences, lets the people through these visual elementsunderstand your tentative plan with the plan, now at last is thedefinition which we designs. A visual work survival agent, should lookwhether he does have moves the other people the energy, whethersmoothly transmits the behind the information, in fact she looks likethe interpersonal networking, depends upon the charm to conquer theobject, your design has holds the will of the people the charm? Isfalling in love -like or successful, you need to look like amild-mannered and cultivated gentleman or a sloven rebel, perhaps doesscholarly research the rigorous scholar. What in fact the planedesigner holds the post is the multiple role, you need to know oneselfand the other side, you need the investigation object, you shouldbecome in the object, actually is not gives what is desired, quart itdiscuss, your design represents the customer product, the customer isneeding your sentiment to move the other people, you are in fact"betray" the sentimental person, the plane design are one kind havethe close relation with the specific goal art.
3, plane design characteristic
The design is technical and the artistic union, is the commercialsociety's product, needs the artistic design and the creation idealbalance in the commercial society, Needs objectively with the restraint, needs to borrow mouth ofthe author to speak for the trustee.
The design and the fine arts are different, because designs namelymust conform to the esthetic appreciation to have to have theusability, to conceive, humanist for the person, the design is onekind of need but not merely is the decoration, the decoration.
The design has not completed the concept, the design needs to strivefor perfection, the unceasing consummation, needs to challengeoneself, declares war to oneself. The design occupying of key to thediscovery, only has unceasingly can achieve through the thoroughfeeling and the experience, moves the others to with the designer tosay is one kind of challenge. The design must let the person beaffected, enough detail itself can move the person, graph creativityitself can move the person, the color potential energy moves theperson, the material quality of material can move the person... ...Carry on the organic art combination the design many kinds ofelements. Also, the designer should understand rigorous manner oneselfcan cause the people mind vibration. |